Anyone is welcome to join this ministry. Responsibilities include: monthly gathering for prayer (Rosary) and planning for special events, home visitations, hosting church receptions, decorating the Sanctuary, maintaining the altar servers & robes.
MEETINGS: 2nd Saturday, 11:30 a.m. conference call
COORDINATOR: Rosetta Palmer (816)923-9723
Trains young people in the service of preparing the Altar for mass celebrations and assisting the priest and deacons at the Altar.
MEETINGS: Every other month
COORDINATOR: Victor Ammons (816) 446-2936
Assists families of deceased parishioners, especially with preparing and serving the family meal, following the funeral service.
COORDINATOR: Carolyn Greene (816) 522-8630
We are a team of volunteer parishioners who count and record Sunday contributions for the individual contributions for tax purposes.
MEETINGS: Sundays, following 10:00 a.m. mass
COORDINATOR: Burnette Burtin (816) 377-6067
Communion Servers at the Altar of the Lord, and servers to the parishioners who gather to worship; Assists the Pastor with distributing bread and wine to the Catholic congregation during the Eucharist celebration; to bring prayer and communion to the sick and shut-in parishioners. Meetings: As needed. Special training is provided through the Diocese. Register via Church Office. 816-471-3696
COORDINATOR: Dianna Miller
To spread the word of God through a spirit of welcoming and fellowship. This ministry is responsible for welcoming Sunday visitors during mass, sending thank You, messages, Tele-angels, and overseeing monthly Fellowship Reception.
Scheduled gatherings after each mass on the 1st Sunday of every month. Each ministry takes a turn providing snacks.
COORDINATOR: Parish Council
Serves as adviser to the Parish Council on all financial issues:
Develops annual operating budget; Monitors monthly actual results in comparison to budget;
Reviews and approves requests for funds,
Monitors over-all Building & Maintenance Process;
Assists in generating support for the Church’s Tithing Program.
MEETINGS: 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., COORDINATOR: Fr. Leonard Gicheru
This group attends to the outside environment of the church. They are responsible for planting new flowers, seeding, weeding, & watering the plants on & around the campus.
MEETING: Saturdays in the early morning.
This group encourages parishioners to strive for good physical and mental health, by providing health-tips in the church bulletin; offering exercise classes; Mammogram screening for women; blood-pressure & cholesterol checking.
Welcomes & seats visitors. Directs parishioners to available seating, helps with the offering, gifts, and Holy Communion as needed. Calendar of Teams scheduled through March 2024.
MEETINGS: Quarterly for updates to schedule and social events.
COORDINATORS: Kim Urenda ( & Mary Pearison (
An organization of Christian men, women, & children, who serve community and church. This Christian Community promotes good will and service to the poor.
KNIGHTS = Grand Knight, Ken Bob
LADIES' AUXILIARY = Grand Lady, Paula Nix
Readers of the scriptures during Mass Celebrations at 9 AM Mass. Training sessions are offered by the Diocese, throughout the year.
COORDINATOR: Rosetta Palmer (816) 923-9723
Mission: To be followers of Jesus Christ, honoring the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus. Responsibilities: To pray the Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries & the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, visit the sick at home, in hospitals and to assist members of the church as needed.
MEETINGS: Every MONDAY at 6:00 p.m. in parish hall of Our Lady of Sorrows.
This committee plans yearly, seasonal, & weekly Eucharistic services.
MEETING: This group meets once a month.
COORDINATOR: Fr. Leonard Gicheru
Supports Mass celebrations & worship services through music. Collaborates with the Liturgical Planning leaders of the parish, includes congregational participation in the musical celebration of the Eucharist.
Director, Melvin Kerr,
MEETINGS: Inspirational Choir Rehearsals 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 11:00 am in the sanctuary or when needed for performances.
COORDINATOR: Marilyn Scott (913) 530-4473
The purpose of this group is to enhance the liturgy through dance, as a choir does through song. Practices after 9 am mass for performances for Black History Month, Easter, and Pentecost in sanctuary.
COORDINATOR: Marilyn Scott (913) 530-4473
St. Monica's Social Ministry provides emergency assistance to the poor, the elderly, and others experiencing emergency needs. Volunteers are involved in every aspect of this essential program, which assists families & individuals with meeting the basic needs of food, shelter, utilities, & medical care. COORDINATOR: Rita Womack (816) 719-4511
Goals: To provide ongoing opportunities for parishioners to share their time, talents, and treasure. To encourage financial stability for the parish by developing action plans for upcoming & future building renovations projects, as outlined in the Parish Strategic Plan with ongoing parishioners input.
Committee Chair: Shirley Thaw
This group promotes vocational awareness through prayer and education with an emphasis on priestly and religious vocations.
COORDINATOR: Deacon Darwin Dupree
Women meet to read and study the scriptures.
MEETINGS: FIRST & THIRD Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 am virtual Zoon/in the St. Monica Room.
COORDINATOR: Paula Nix (816) 721-8731